Wednesday, February 03, 2010


Waffle House Party

The UCI announced on January 29 that Louisville, Kentucky will play host to the 2013 World Cyclocross Championships, the first time the event will be held outside of Europe. Many insiders would have predicted the United States’ first major international ‘cross event would be held at one of the sport’s traditional stateside hotbeds – like New England, or Katie Compton’s parents’ house. But making the transatlantic leap could already pose such a mental hurdle for Europe-based athletes that it seems the UCI placed a premium on making everyone more comfortable with the unorthodox trip. So, in vetting the Louisville venue, I can only assume that the UCI considered such important ‘cross-related questions as:

UCI: Does your city have ample facilities for serving waffles to drunks?
Louisville: Yes, yes it does.

UCI: Everyone really likes the horsemeat when we hold the Worlds in Belgium. Do you have good horsemeat?
Louisville: Um, in a manner of speaking. You probably don’t want to eat it if you’re going to dope control, though.

UCI: You know, Tabor (2010) has Budvar, St. Wendel (2011) has Karlsberg, and we can only assume that Koksijde (2012) will have the usual Belgian pils and jenever smorgasbord. Do you have some sort of signature local drink that we can use to get well and truly schnakered?
Louisville: Why, yessuh! I say, I say, we DO!

And after one sip of sweet, sweet bourbon, I can only assume the decision was made. Now that I think about it, Louisville is practically just northern Europe transplanted. Kidding aside, congratulations, thank you, and good luck to the folks who made it happen – Bruce Fina and Joan Hanscome, who also bring you (or people like you) the USGP; and the city of Louisville, which is throwing a lot of support behind the event and ‘cross in general.

Anyway, we have three years to chew on this whole deal, but here are a few quick holeshot thoughts:

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Just a word of warning, you may have offended the entire state of Kentucky by asserting that Jim Beam is the signature local drink. Discerning bourbon drinkers tend to favor Maker's and Woodford Reserve for large batch drinking and things like Pappy Van Winkle and Booker's for small batch consumption. But, the triumph of Kentucky drinks can be none other than Kentucky Ale Bourbon Barrel. Where else can you combine the tastes of bourbon and beer in an orgasm of flavor that matches the strength of a Belgian brew? Nowhere, that's where.

And if you're inclined to try this orgasm of flavor, see me at CX My Heart this weekend. This stuff can only be purchased in Kentucky, but I just happen to have a case sitting in my kitchen.
Mr. Smith-

I'm almost positive I've offended most of Kentucky in more ways that that. Not that it's intentional or malicious, mind you, it's just that it was bound to happen somehow.

Going with Beam versus the boutique bourbons is the "Louisville Worlds corollary" to my long-ago spring classics drinking theory, which is that for mass consumption at bike races, it's better to stay on the lower end of the beverage quality spectrum.
An "Orgasm of Flavor"? Wow. That sounds really good.

Not as nice as a "Veritable Vomitus of Amazing Taste" or a "Flatulent Bouquet of Aromatic Delight" but still pretty damn good.

If you are seriously going for mass consumption possibilities, Old Grandad or Maker's would fit the bill... Maker's is actually a really solid drink all on its own.

Me? I'll be hauling some Russel's Reserve or perhaps a little bit of Bookers'es.
Mr. Smith beat me to offense!

Yes, Maker's Mark is probably the preferred but Knob Creek a close second, but my preference is Woodford neat... but if I win a race, I'll spill the spoils on some Pappy Reserve.

I will say that for a low-cost option, Bulleit Bourbon has treated me very well... definitely a hand-up class bourbon that will at once be easy on the pocket book but also pleasing to the palette.

Kentucky Ale is nice but the BBC Bourbon Barrel Stout is better in my estimation.
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